FRMC Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Location

Call to Order:  The Saturday, October 14th  FRMC Member Meeting was called to order by President Larry Standiford during the Club’s Annual Chili Feed at the home of Dan Ryhal and Cathy Wagner in Pine, Colorado.

Submitted by Tom Ferguson, Secretary/Treasurer

Attendees Included

Larry Standiford
Karen Standiford
Tom Ferguson
Jackie Ferguson
Travis Reeder
Shelly Reeder
Dave Schmidt
Beth Schmidt
Lee Davis
Caleb Davis
Frank Herbst
Kim Herbst
Keith Johnson
Larry Snodgrass
Paul Revesz
John Revesz

Old Business

 The Club has 35 paid family memberships for 2023.
FRMC was well represented at several driving and show events during August and September including separate cruises to Evergreen led by Mike Thomas and the Revesz brothers, gatherings of Mustangs and other great cars at the Shelby American Collection in Boulder, John and Cam McNurney’s Cars & Guitars Party in Lakewood, the Colorado Concours d’Elegance in Littleton, and another Mike Thomas led cruise over Guanella Pass to Georgetown.  Pictures from many of these events are included on the Club website and/or Facebook page.  And kudos to Mike Thomas for organizing three very successful multi-club cruises this summer.
The Annual Chili Feed was a great time as always with four different varieties of chili and lots of side dishes and desserts provided by the attendees to share.  The event started with a silent auction by Dan Ryhal for two bottles of Montagave sipping tequila with the Standiford’s and Ferguson’s contributing $120 to the FRMC treasury to take home the tasty treats.  A family of deer grazed by Dan and Cathy’s deck while we ate, conducted our club meeting and experienced the noticeable temperature variation between standing in the sun and shade of the deck roofing.  And thanks to the members who brought special viewing glasses so we could experience the near-total solar eclipse of October 14th.

New Business

The October member meeting is when we choose officers for the upcoming club year and it was decided to keep Larry Standiford, Gary Spencer, and Tom Ferguson in the President, Vice President, and Treasurer/Secretary roles, respectively, for 2024.  It was noted that Wendell Salas has expressed interest in assuming the Presidency in 2025 after he completes his degree work. 
The members agreed that for the Annual FRMC Holiday Party, we want to return to The Club at Rolling Hills in Golden on Saturday, December 9th.  This will again be a brunch event with a white elephant gift exchange and has been a lot of fun in the past.  Tom Ferguson and Art Apple will be meeting with representatives from The Club at Rolling Hills in late October or early November to finalize the menu and Tom will send out invitations to RSVP shortly thereafter.  Please save the date on your calendars in the meantime.
Finally, with the driving season coming to a close very soon, your officers are looking for ideas for monthly events to keep the club active until Spring.  Some suggestions discussed so far include:
  • A road trip to Colorado Springs to view the National Museum of World War II Aviation
  • Visit the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley
  • Tour the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden
  • Visit the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver
  • Tour Cars Remember When in Englewood or The Vehicle Vault in Parker with their always changing inventory
  • Road trip to Wyoming next April 8th to view the Total Solar Eclipse

Other suggestions are very welcome.  Contact one of the officers with your ideas as FRMC is always looking for more volunteers and input.
The next FRMC meeting will be held Saturday, November 11th at Romano’s Italian Restaurant in Littleton at 5666 S. Windermere Street at 11am.
      The following list represents upcoming club or other events of interest.  
November 11 – FRMC Member Meeting at Romano’s Italian Restaurant, 5666 S Windermere St in Littleton at 11am.
December 9 – FRMC Holiday Party, 11am at The Club at Rolling Hills, 15707 W 26th Avenue in Golden 80401.  More details coming.
February 3-4 – 53rd Annual Tri-State Swap Meet, National Western Complex, 4655 Humboldt Street, Denver,
April 5-7 – Mustang 60th Anniversary Celebration, Birmingham, AL – Barber Motorsports Park,
May 24-26 – MCA National Show/Track Event, Gravois Mills, MO – Ozark International Raceway
August 9-11 – MCA National Show, Des Moines, IA – more information TBA
October 11-13 – MCA National Show, Savannah, GA – more information TBA
       If you have an event you’d like posted to the above list or the Club website Bullett-n Board, bring an informational flyer to an upcoming Club meeting.  Updates on future Club Meetings and activities of interest will be posted on the website calendar. 

Treasurer's Report

Treasurer, Tom Ferguson, reported the Club had $1,307.91 in the Vectra Bank checking account as of the meeting date.  FRMC dues for 2024 will be $50.00 and can be sent to Tom Ferguson at 525 Fox Hunt Circle, Highlands Ranch 80126 starting in November.  Please make the dues checks out to FRMC rather than Tom.  Tom is holding the name tags for new members, Todd Griffin and Jim and Susan Johnston.  Please come to a future event to get your tags, guys!

MCA Report

President Larry noted he will be attending the Regional Directors Summit October 21-22nd at Barber Motorsports Park near Birmingham, Alabama and is hoping to take on the famous Tail of the Dragon scenic drive in Tennessee before the meeting.  The 2024 MCA National Show schedule is set with 4 locations including the 60th Anniversary of the Mustang Celebration at Barber Motorsports Park next April.  A full list of the shows is included in the Events of Interest at the end of these minutes. 
Larry also encouraged FRMC members to consider sending in pictures of their cars with brief descriptions of your Mustang history to the MCA for inclusion in upcoming issues of the club’s Mustang Times magazine My Mustang section.  The MCA prefers to use images from a high-quality, high-resolution SLR-type digital camera sent to  Mustang Times’ My Mustang files are running low, so the chances of your baby appearing in the magazine are good.  For more information on what is required and how to do this, contact Tom Ferguson or Larry Standiford.