Stang Evil P51 Mustang will be back at the Rocky Mountain Metro Airport for another photo shoot
Get a picture of your Mustang with a real P51 Mustang. Saturday June 29th. 8am is the start Location: Sheltair Aviation at 9107 Rocky Road, Broomfield, CO
Suggested donation of $20 per car to the Cathi's Table. www.CathisTable.org
Dick has arranged for a photographer so pictures will be available like they were last year. You can also take your own pictures with your own equipment. There will be other Mustangs and Cobras as well.
If you are interested in lunch afterwards please let Dick know so he has a head count. Location for lunch is Hops and Drops at 8851 Destination Dr #115, Broomfield, CO 80021. He needs a headcount by Friday June 21.
So, get those Mustangs cleaned up for the P51 Photo Day at Rocky Mountain Metro Airport.
Dick Thompson Thompson660@cs.com 303-929-5533