FRMC Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date and Location

The Saturday, February 15th  FRMC Member Meeting was held at Romano’s Italian Restaurant at 5666 S. Windermere Street in Littleton, CO.  The meeting was called to order by President Wendell Salas around 11:40 am with 27 members in attendance as detailed below.

Submitted by Tom Ferguson, Secretary/Treasurer

Attendees Included

Larry Standiford
Karen Standiford
Tom Ferguson
Paul Revesz
Gary Spencer
Jillian Spencer
Mike Thomas
Dick Thompson
Candy Thompson
Larry Snodgrass
Jim Dowdell
Terry Frank
Dan Gaddy
Dean Gianarkis
Don Wuebker
Wendell Salas
Ken Weathers
Chrissy Weathers
Sara (daughter)
Aleaha (granddaughter)
Dusty Dodge
Ron Fox
Ann Fox
Mary Sue Powell
Joyce Morales-Caramella
Ben Caramella
Gary Krasche (new member)

Old Business

 The Club has 36 paid family memberships so far in 2025.  We finished 2024 at 44 family memberships.
Wendell Salas reported that registration is now open for the 2025 Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup and organizers will probably have to ask the host hotel to increase the amount of rooms available to attendees as the initial reservation holds are filling fast.   The event will center around Cripple Creek and include autocross (Friday at PPIR), a scenic mountain tour drive to Cripple Creek (Friday), a Friday Food Truck Social near the hotel, breakfast buffets Saturday and Sunday at the hotel (preregistration required) and the popular show ‘n shine in Cripple Creek. 
The Club’s most recent event was attending the February 8-9th Tri-State Auto Swap Meet at the National Western Complex in Denver.  Several of our members were among the participants which always draws thousands of auto enthusiasts where “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”.
As we await the return of driving season, your officers are looking for ideas for driving/show events to keep the Club active during the colder months.  Some suggestions discussed so far include:
  • A road trip to Colorado Springs to view the National Museum of World War II Aviation
  • Visit the Colorado Model Railroad Museum in Greeley
  • Tour the Colorado Railroad Museum in Golden
  • Visit the Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver
  • Tour Cars Remember When in Englewood with their always changing inventory
At the Club Holiday Party, Larry Standiford prepared several signup sheets to ascertain member interest in daily or destination club cruises in the Rocky Mountain area and Tom Ferguson added a list of By-ways Field Trips  published by the Denver Post at last month’s meeting.  Wendell and Larry will ultimately determine the most popular destinations for cruise planning purposes in 2025.
Member Mike Thomas is also working to resume his efforts arranging driving outings in the new year.  Mike is currently attempting to confirm if the Memorial Day weekend Driving Run to Cody, Wyoming is still viable.  If not, he may try to arrange a Cody Run for later in the summer when the weather is more conducive to high altitude driving around Yellowstone.
Other suggestions are always welcome.  Remember, FRMC is always looking for more volunteers and input so contact one of the officers with your ideas.
In November member Keith Johnson requested that the next FRMC shirt program consist of t-shirts as opposed to the polo shirts we’ve been ordering over the last several years.  Tom Ferguson will be meeting with our shirt vendor on February 18th to discuss sleeve and color options to accommodate the Club’s design parameters including our logo silk screened on the back and Front Range Mustang Club in script on the front along with a running pony image.  Member Ken Weathers submitted 4 design options for the front which were really sharp and Tom will ask the vendor to work with the most popular as determined by an officers’ vote.
Other suggestions are very welcome.  Contact one of the officers with your ideas as FRMC is always looking for more volunteers and input.

New Business

The Club welcomed a new member, Gary Krasche, at Saturday’s meeting.  Gary and his wife, Joyce, own a ’91 GT blue/gray Fox body with a 5.0 V-8 and 5 speed manual.  The Aurora residents are the original owners and it has 163,000 miles after several years as their daily driver.  Gary is also an MCA member.
FRMC’s monthly event for March will be the Club’s participation in the Forney Transportation Museum’s monthly Dust ‘n Shine day on March 15th.  We will meet at Forney’s at 9:30am and finish in the early afternoon at one of the many restaurants in the RiNo area which is one Denver’s fastest developing areas.  FRMC’s participation in this event was facilitated through the Collector Car Council of Colorado (CCCC) of which we are a member club.  Tom Ferguson will email out the Dust ‘n Shine Guidelines closer to the event.
Wendell Salas mentioned that there is no word yet on the Early Mustang Club of Colorado’s Annual Mustang Anniversary Cruise in April so FRMC may arrange its own cruise to Rosie’s Diner in Monument if something doesn’t develop soon.  Recall that last year we had a great event marking the anniversary with SAAC Colorado by getting a private tour of the Shelby American Collection in Boulder.
Tom Ferguson noted that he has updated the FRMC website events calendar and list below with several activities this spring and summer including the Horsefeathers Show, the All Ford Picnic and Car Show, the Early Ford V-8 Show, and the Colorado Concours d‘Elegance where Mustang will be the featured marque.  Of special note is that FRMC will be the Featured Car Club at Gateway Classic Cars Caffeine & Chrome car show on October 25th.  If we provide ten cars to display, Gateway will contribute $200 to FRMC for the charity of our choice (most likely Paul Revesz’ Perpetual Learning Opportunities).  If you’ve not attended Gateway’s monthly car show, it is a lot of fun with a big turnout of special vehicles of all manufacturers plus Gateway’s great inventory of classic cars for sale.
Member Dick Thompson reported on the February Collector Car Council of Colorado meeting and his successful visit to the state legislature to push for the advancement of the Surplus Historic Military Vehicles bill out of the Transportation, Housing and Local Government Committee to resolve ownership and registration problems so the public can continue to view these at shows and on the road.  Lots of work remains, but this was a big first step win for the enthusiast community.
Member Jillian Spencer noted that she recently talked with former member Chuck Warren and his radiation treatments for lung cancer have been successful.  Chuck was very active in the Club prior to getting sick so this is fabulous news.
Finally, Tom Ferguson reported that The Latest Scoop, which is newsletter reporting upcoming regional auto events, will be converted to digital subscriptions starting with the May/June issue.  It remains to be seen if this makes it easier to find events of interest or makes it harder since we can no longer peruse the physical copy in our hands.
      The next FRMC meeting will be Saturday, March 8th at 11am at Romano’s Italian Restaurant in Littleton at 5666 S. Windermere Street. 
      The following list represents Upcoming Club or other Events of Interest  
March 8 – FRMC Member Meeting, Romano’s Italian Restaurant, 11am, 5666 S Windermere St, Littleton, CO
March 8-9 – Tri-State Auto Exhibition, 10am-7pm Saturday, 10am-5pm Sunday, National Western Complex, 4655 Humboldt St, Denver
March 15 – FRMC Participates in the Forney Museum Dust ‘n Shine Day, 9:30am-2pm, Forney Museum of Transportation, 4303 Brighton Blvd, Denver
April 4-6 – Mustangs at Dezerland Orlando MCA National Show, Dezerland Park, Orlando, FL
April 17-20 – Denver Auto Show, Colorado Convention Center
May 10 – Warren Tech Car Show
May 16-17 –  Rio Grande Mustang Club 2025 Mustang Enchantment MCA Regional Show, Albuquerque, NM,  Registration details coming soon.
May 23-26 – Ponies in the Ozarks MCA National Show, Gravois Mills, MO Ozark International Raceway,  Hosted by MCA
June 8 – 42nd Annual Colorado Concours d’Elegance with Mustang as the Featured Marque, 9am-3pm, Arapahoe Community College, 5900 Santa Fe Dr,  Littleton, Registration and details at
June 13-14 – 37th Annual Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup, 7am-7:30pm June 13 Starting at PPIR for Autocross, traveling on Mountain Tour to Cripple Creek for social and overnight, 6:30am-3pm June 14 for Show n’Shine in Cripple Creek.  Details and registration at
June 22 – FOMOCO Owners Club All Ford Picnic & Car Show
June 27-29 – Horsepower in the Queen City MCA National, Lakota West High School, Cincinnati, OH, Queen City Mustangers
August 2 – Early Mustang Club Horsefeathers Ford Car Show
August 2 – Eighth Annual Rocky Mountain Car Show & Swap Meet, 10am-2pm, 11905 Corporate Way. Broomfield, CO
August 30 – Shelby American Collection 29th Annual Car Show and Party, 2pm-7pm, 5020/5035 Chaparral Court, Boulder, CO 80301
August 29-31 – MCA Grand National, Fredericksburg, VA, Fredericksburg Fairgrounds
National Capital Region Mustang Club
September 7 – Early Ford V-8 Club All Ford Day Car Show
October 25 – FRMC Featured Car Club at Gateway Classic Cars Caffeine & Chrome Show, 9am-12pm, 14150 Grasslands Drive, Englewood 80112
December 6 – FRMC Holiday Party, 10am-2pm, The Club at Rolling Hills, 15707 W 26th Ave, Golden, CO 80401
Standing Events
First Saturday of every month in Lafayette, CO – Cars & Coffee at Flatirons Church, 355 W South Boulder Rd, 7am-10am, Garr – 303-641-0965 or Boulder County & Surrounding Areas Cars & Coffee on Facebook
First Saturday of every month May thru Oct, Golden Super Cruise
Last Saturday of every month in Englewood, CO - Caffeine & Chrome at Gateway Classic Cars, 14150 Grasslands Drive, 9am-12pm weather permitting,
Second Saturday of every month in Parker, CO – Expresso & Exhaust at the Vehicle Vault, 18301 Lincoln Meadows Parkway, 9am-12pm weather permitting,
Second Saturday of every month in Littleton, CO – Littleton Car Show at Old Crow Antiques, 10081 W Bowles Ave at 1pm,
Fourth Saturday evening of the month into the Fall - Highlands Ranch Hot Rodder’s Cruise Night from 4pm-9pm at the Rusty Tapp BBQ, 311 E County Line Road, Littleton
Every Saturday - Evergreen Cars and Coffee at Olde’s Garage, 3639 Evergreen Parkway from 9am-noon benefitting Mt Evans Hospice of Evergreen (June 1-Aug31), David 720-308-3942
Every Thursday – Cars Among the Evergreens at 24887 Genesee Trail Rd, Golden, 6pm-8pm, organizer Arthur R Burke IV, 616-405-3024,

       If you have an event you’d like posted to the above list or the Club website Bullett-n Board, bring an informational flyer to an upcoming Club meeting.  Updates on future Club Meetings and activities of interest will be posted on the website calendar.

Treasurer's Report

Per Treasurer, Tom Ferguson, the Club had $1,565.44 in the Vectra Bank checking account as of the meeting date.  FRMC dues for 2025 are $50.00 and can be sent to Tom at 525 Fox Hunt Circle, Highlands Ranch 80126.  Please make the dues checks out to FRMC rather than Tom.  Tom is holding the name tags for members Todd Griffin, Jim and Susan Johnston, and Bill and Joan Anderson.  Please come to a future event to get your tags, guys!

MCA Report

Former President Larry Standiford noted that sister MCA club, the Rio Grande Mustang Club will have a new venue and date for its Regional Show this May 16-17th.  Details (so far) are included in the email accompanying these minutes and below in Upcoming Events.